Thank you for volunteering to help “behind the scenes” for Once Upon A Mattress! We will use email to communicate with our volunteers as necessary. ALL volunteers who arrive 45 min. before show time will be compensated with a comp ticket/s for their efforts. (Ushers, concession workers, and Bravo table workers will get to see the show they are working for free.)
LOAD IN/LOAD OUT CREW – You will be responsible for helping move a selection of items (costumes, props, set pieces, sound equipment, etc.) from The Biz to the performance venue, and at the end of the show’s run you will be responsible for moving those items from the performance venue back to The Biz as per directions from the Load In/Load Out Coordinator. We will also need a couple of trucks and trailers to transport set pieces and clothing racks. (6 hours or more if you stay to help set up.)
CONCESSIONS COORDINATOR – The Concessions Coordinator is responsible for setting up the concessions table before each performance, arriving one hour before each show. Then, you will be responsible for making sure the concession table is put away after the show. You will get to see the show for free each performance. You may also need to purchase, (and get reimbursed), ice for all shows. (6 hours)
BRAVO TABLE COORDINATOR – You will help set up the Bravo Table before each performance, as well as take it down at the end of the show. You will get to see the show you are working for free. You’ll be resposible for finding some Bravo table items that we can sell. ALL EXPENDITURES MUST go through me first. (Jan)
CAST PARTY PLANNERS – Plan and supervise at the cast party. (4 hours)
CONCESSIONS/BRAVO TABLE – Concessions & Bravo Table helpers will “man” the table to sell items before the show, at intermission, and afterwards. You will help to take the tables down and put items away. You will then get to see the show for free at that performance. Please arrive 45 minutes before the show begins to check in with the House Manager. (1.5 hours per show.)
USHER – Ushers will be checking guests’ tickets are the door and helping them find their seats. You will also stand at the door both inside and in the auditorium before the show and during intermission to make sure no one takes anything but water into the auditorium. You will get to see that performance. for free. We ask that you arrive no later than 45 min. before the show to check in with the House Manager. (1.5 hours per show.)
BACKSTAGE SUPERVISOR PER SHOW – You will be back stage as a helper should someone need costume help or anything else. You MAY need to remind cast members to be quiet. You will make sure the dressing rooms are cleaned up, and all costumes and props are put where they belong. You will need to arrive one hour before each show, and come at call time for the last two rehearsals. (4 hours per show or rehearsal.)
SET PAINTING AND DECORATION – Some of this will be done during the rehearsal process, and some will need to be done once we’re at the venue. You may be needed for simple assembly before or after each show. (Hours depend on time spent.)
BACK STAGE WORKERS – As a back stage worker, you get to see all the things that happen behind the scene! You will be responsible for moving set pieces, keeping the kids quiet in the stage area, and helping the stage manager in whatever she needs help with. You will be needed all of tech week and every show. (10 hours)
SPOTLIGHT OPERATOR – Run the spotlight for the last two rehearsals and all four shows. This job gives you a great view of the show! You will be trained on what to do. (10 hours)
COSTUME IRONING/STEAMING – Help the costume team get costumes ready by ironing and/or steaming during tech week and shows. (Hours depend on time spent.)
COSTUME LAUNDRY – Take home costumes after the show has completed to wash, dry, and then return to The Biz, following any care instructions given by costume team leads. (Hours depend on time spent.)
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